The custom bottle sprayer is a new product that allows consumers to enjoy the benefits of using bottled water versus tap water. Consumers no longer have to worry about washing hundreds of bottles in their home each week. A custom bottle sprayer eliminates the need for frequent rinsing and allows for more efficient cleaning. Using the bottle sprayer is much more effective than using the old hand held bottle washer.

When using the bottle sprayer, there are three different options to choose from. The first option is what is called a "full body" bottle sprayer. This will allow for all types of liquids, such as water, oil, and shaving cream, into the dispenser. This is the most popular option for many people, because it is able to keep all types of bottles clean, and has plenty of room for the extra bottles that would otherwise come off the dispenser.
Another option is the neckline dispenser. This type of bottle sprayer sprays right to the bottom of the bottles, allowing you to fill the bottle with just the right amount of liquid, so that it does not waste any water. This type of bottle dispenser is good for those who have larger bottles that they want to be able to pour into the dispenser at once. This is a great option for anyone who wants to have their own clean water right at their fingertips.